1.Extreme equipment capacity
Large diameter thick wall above 550mm and the demand for small diameter thin wall stainless steel seamless pipes below 5mm is gradually increasing, and there is still a contradiction between supply and demand for products. Some products rely on imports. The fundamental reason is that China lacks the equipment capacity for the production of the above extreme products. Further expand the product specifications of cold rolled seamless tubes and the rolled finished tubes Φ 3mm small product.
2.High speed rolling mill
Increasing the rolling speed of the cold rolling mill is the most direct measure to increase its output. However, increasing the rolling speed of the cold rolling mill will lead to greater inertia force and inertia moment in the moving part of the mill. Since the first high-speed cold rolling mill appeared, the reduction and balance of inertia force and inertia moment is also one of the important research contents in the development of the cold rolling mill. At present, the high-speed cold rolling pipe mill developed by many enterprises adopts the double sector block balancing mechanism.
3.High precision of rolling mill equipment
In the rolling process, the frame is the main part to bear the rolling force, which requires high stiffness. The moving frame drives the roll to and fro, and the vertical rolling component is borne by the fixed casing. This not only ensures the system stiffness, but also reduces the total weight of the moving part, reduces the generation of some motion inertia, and reduces the working load of the motor.
4.Multi function of rolling mill equipment
At the same time, a three high Pilger mill, which has the advantages of large rolling deformation of two high mill and high precision of three high mill, can achieve the effect of two high mill+three high mill with one mill for multiple purposes.
5.Stable rolling mill drive system
For the planetary gear reducer capable of realizing high-speed, stable and linear reciprocating motion, the motor is input to the pinion and transmitted to the gear drum through the pinion. The gear drum and its internal planetary gears work together to change the rotary motion into reciprocating linear motion. At the same time, the balance weight is added to balance the inertial force and moment.