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Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW150×150
Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW150×150Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW150×150Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW150×150

Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW150×150

The square or rectangular shaping is formed out before the tube welding, with important advantages in terms of power and material cost reduction.


Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill

The square or rectangular shaping is formed out before the tube welding, with important advantages in terms of power and material cost reduction.


Great flexibility and possibility of modify the tube dimension without any roll change (in forming - welding - sizing - straightening) for any size included into the mill size range.

Extreme reduction of mill set up time.

Elimination of all cost for roll sets.Increase of productivity and reduction of stock and relative costs.

Reduction of manpower thanks to the complete automatization of the mill operation and adjustments.

Minimal and easy maintenance.

Display with automatic illustration of tube section for each production step.

Easy use of software for set up of any production parameter, including tube angle radius.

Material to be processedCarbon Steel, strip coils of weld able grade with max. 0.2% carbon
TypeSquare & Rectangular tube
Tube Size
Square70 x 70 – 150 x 150 mm
Rectangular60 x 80 – 100 x 200 mm
Wall thickness1.5 mm – 6.0 mm
Tube length6.0 m - 12.0 m
Line SpeedMax. 35 m/min
Welding MethodSolid State High Frequency Welding 600kW
Forming MethodDirectly Forming to Square and Rectangular
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Entry Section

Entry section starts from uncoiler to accumulator, The coil is loaded to the uncoiler by crane. The coil tension and brake system between uncoiler and leveler shall be done. Hold down roll operated by hydraulic cylinders holds and rotates the coil for cutting the strap bend by peeler.


Roller Mould

Rolls are manufactured out of AISI D2, D3 or equivalent steel. Material is annealed, hardened and tempered to get hardness of 60 ± 2 HRC. Rolls profiles are precisely turned at high speed on CNC Turning machine using ceramic tips to get the desired surface finish.



The accumulator is installed between the shear & welder and the forming line. Its purpose is to give enough time for feeding the new coil from uncoiler to shear & welder and for the shear & welder to cut and join front end of the new coil with tail end of previous coil.


Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill LW200×200

The square or rectangular shaping is formed out before the tube welding, with important advantages in terms of power and material cost reduction.

